Friday, March 13, 2009

run he gonna kill you!

Movie: Friday the 13th

In honor of Friday the 13th today…I went to see the remake of Friday the 13th! I have to say that for a remake I was surprised and quite enjoyed it. They added a bit of a plot which is good...I am big on plot...although with a slasher film I don't expect much. And in addition to all the slutty girls getting killed one of the good wholesome girls got killed too which was a nice twist. Of course I could have done without all the sex and boobs but what can you do?

In between all the running, screaming, killing and blood I think an important lesson can be found…

Three activities that will surely get one killed are….

1. having gratuitous sex and or showing your boobs
2. doing drugs and drinking
3. talking to yourself

Have you ever seen someone get an axe in the back while reading a book?

Just something to think about….

1 comment:

  1. awesome! i'm glad it was so good! one of my all-time favorite horror movies is 'freddy vs. jason'. both franchises have a great, winking sense of humor about themselves.
