Sunday, March 29, 2009

eclipse chapters 1-6

Book: Eclipse
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 1-6

To begin with, I really enjoyed this third installment of the Twilight Saga. Reading about Rosalie and Jasper’s past was definitely the highlight and I really liked how Meyer waits until now to go into detail about it instead of revealing everything in the first book.

Pages 28-29…In New Moon Meyer references Shakespeare and in Eclipse she goes with another classic, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Again, Edward offers another interesting analysis...“I don’t understand why you like it. The characters are ghastly people who ruin each others’ lives. It isn’t a love story, it’s a hate story.” Edward goes on to question Bella as to why she reads it over and over which she replies, “I think it’s something about the inevitability. How nothing can keep them apart – not her selfishness, or his evil, or even death, in the end…” Edward then says, “I still think it would be a better story if either of them had one redeeming quality.” Bella answers, “ I think that may be the point, their love is their only redeeming quality.” So this made me think…is that all it takes…is that all you need? Could you essentially be selfish and or evil and get away with it as long as you had one redeeming quality? It does seem easier to focus on one quality then a handful.

Page 40…Bella narrates…“Edward was quiet, playing absentmindedly with a strand of my hair.” I love that! I would instantly be in love with anyone who played with my hair!

Page 49…Edward tells Bella…“The outside world holds no interest for me without you.” On the surface that sounds like a sweet thing to say but underneath it speaks to the unhealthy part of this relationship. I think it is important to have interests outside of your relationship otherwise you become too dependent and alienate the other people in your life. Not to mention that Edward is always on Bella’s case to be human but he really isn’t letting her be.

Page 64…Edward and Bella get into a fight and Edward tells her…“Shut your window if you want me to stay away tonight. I’ll understand.” Bella goes upstairs and slams the window shut. She then thinks…“I stared at the shivering black glass for a long moment until it was still. Then I sighed, and opened the window as wide as it would go.” This was the first real mature thing I have seen Bella’s character do and for some reason it made me look at their love in a new perspective and see it developing. It takes a lot in a relationship to focus on what is really important and let go of little arguments.

Page 92…Bella thinks…“Someone like me shouldn’t be human. Someone with my luck ought to be a little less helpless." I don't know...I can't put my finger on it exactly...but this kind of rubbed me the wrong way. It sounds like she trying to rationalize her own shortcomings by saying that humans are essentially helpless?

Page 95…Edward leaves Bella a note on her pillow that reads…“I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart – I’ve left it with you.” Now what I find interesting about this is that if I were to receive a note like that I would melt, be giddy like a little school girl, and be running to tuck this note away in my wallet so that I could carry it with me everywhere! However the very next sentence is Bella thinking…“So now I had a big empty Saturday with nothing but my morning shift at Newton’s Olympic Outfitters to distract me.” It doesn’t even faze her! He might as well have written, “be back.” It would be here where I would have to agree with my friend who thinks Bella is a snob.

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