Thursday, March 19, 2009

the music of twilight revisited

Music: Twilight Soundtrack

Every once in a new moon do I come across a soundtrack I love unconditionally and irrevocably…the Twilight Soundtrack is one such soundtrack. Honestly every song is incredible. Most notable is track 10…Never Think…written and preformed by yours truly Rob Pattinson. Favorite lines…

Girl save your soul
Go on save your soul
Before it’s too far gone
And before nothing can be done

Full Track Listing

1. Supermassive Black Hole – Muse
2. Decode - Paramore
3. Full Moon – The Black Ghosts
4. Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
5. Spotlight (Twilight Mix) – Mutemath
6. Go All the Way (Into the Twilight) – Perry Farrell
7. Tremble For My Beloved – Collective Soul
8. I Caught Myself – Paramore
9. Eyes on Fire – Blue Foundation
10. Never Think – Rob Pattinson
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth – Iron & Wine
12. Bella’s Lullaby – Carter Burwell

My only complaint, disappointment, sadness…the exclusion of Radiohead’s
15 Step and Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson.

Why? For the love of god just tell me why?


  1. i read on perez hilton that he was playing (unannounced) at random london pubs. could you imagine stumbling on one of his performances?!

  2. that would be nothing short of AWESOME!!!!
