Tuesday, March 31, 2009

may you rest in peace…

Maybe it is just me...but I feel like nothing good is on TV anymore. This lament got me reminiscing about all the good times I used to have with some of my favorite shows that sadly are no longer on…but thanks to TV on DVD I can still enjoy…and without commercials!

Batman Beyond

On for 3 seasons, Batman Beyond takes place in the future where an elderly Bruce Wayne passes his cape to Terry McGinnis, a high school teen who happens upon the Batcave and discovers the millionaire's secret identity. They came up with some really cool new villains including my fav, Inque, and revamped the Bat suit. Will Friedle (the older brother from Boy Meets World) does the voice for Terry and I am not ashamed to admit I have a crush on a cartoon!

The Commish

For 5 seasons Michael Chiklis played police commissioner Tony Scali in this slightly offbeat police comedy/drama. Set in a small town, Tony's easygoing manner and clever intellect are much more useful to him than weapons in his fight against crime. Comedy and drama…you can’t go wrong…and who doesn’t love Michael Chiklis?!


When Susan and Steve get together they join a crowd of best friends and exes who talk about all aspects of sex and relationships on their never-ending quest to find true love…result…4 seasons of non-stop hilarity! Jeff is definitely my favorite but all the characters are amusing and nothing short of self indulgent!

Dark Angel

Created by James Cameron, Dark Angel stars Jessica Alba as a genetically enhanced superhuman named Max who escapes from military confines and tries to live a normal life in a post-apocalyptic America. We follow her as she tries to avoid government agents who want to bring her back and search for others of her kind. It can’t go without mentioning Michael Weatherly and Jensen Ackles also star as the resident eye candy! Only on for 2 seasons I am still left with so many questions as to the fate of the transgenics.

Degrassi Junior High/High

What better way to relax after a hard day then watching 5 seasons of Canadian teens deal with the trials and tribulations of adolescence…and in the 80’s no less! Drinking, drugs, sex, teen pregnancy, leg warmers, over sized sweaters, and teased hair make this one of my all time favorite shows! No New Generation for me...I am old school baby!


They are very few shows that I watch religiously…but Felicity was one show I never missed. Kerri Russell is Felicity Porter…a high school senior whose whole life has been dictated by her parents. After graduating she changes all that and follows her long-time crush Ben to New York and spends the next four seasons, going through the long and difficult journey toward adulthood. Anytime I feel life getting rough I pop in Felicity to help make sense of it all. But even after all these years...and as much as I love this show...I still can't forgive her for picking Ben over Noel…what was she thinking??!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

eclipse chapters 1-6

Book: Eclipse
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 1-6

To begin with, I really enjoyed this third installment of the Twilight Saga. Reading about Rosalie and Jasper’s past was definitely the highlight and I really liked how Meyer waits until now to go into detail about it instead of revealing everything in the first book.

Pages 28-29…In New Moon Meyer references Shakespeare and in Eclipse she goes with another classic, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Again, Edward offers another interesting analysis...“I don’t understand why you like it. The characters are ghastly people who ruin each others’ lives. It isn’t a love story, it’s a hate story.” Edward goes on to question Bella as to why she reads it over and over which she replies, “I think it’s something about the inevitability. How nothing can keep them apart – not her selfishness, or his evil, or even death, in the end…” Edward then says, “I still think it would be a better story if either of them had one redeeming quality.” Bella answers, “ I think that may be the point, their love is their only redeeming quality.” So this made me think…is that all it takes…is that all you need? Could you essentially be selfish and or evil and get away with it as long as you had one redeeming quality? It does seem easier to focus on one quality then a handful.

Page 40…Bella narrates…“Edward was quiet, playing absentmindedly with a strand of my hair.” I love that! I would instantly be in love with anyone who played with my hair!

Page 49…Edward tells Bella…“The outside world holds no interest for me without you.” On the surface that sounds like a sweet thing to say but underneath it speaks to the unhealthy part of this relationship. I think it is important to have interests outside of your relationship otherwise you become too dependent and alienate the other people in your life. Not to mention that Edward is always on Bella’s case to be human but he really isn’t letting her be.

Page 64…Edward and Bella get into a fight and Edward tells her…“Shut your window if you want me to stay away tonight. I’ll understand.” Bella goes upstairs and slams the window shut. She then thinks…“I stared at the shivering black glass for a long moment until it was still. Then I sighed, and opened the window as wide as it would go.” This was the first real mature thing I have seen Bella’s character do and for some reason it made me look at their love in a new perspective and see it developing. It takes a lot in a relationship to focus on what is really important and let go of little arguments.

Page 92…Bella thinks…“Someone like me shouldn’t be human. Someone with my luck ought to be a little less helpless." I don't know...I can't put my finger on it exactly...but this kind of rubbed me the wrong way. It sounds like she trying to rationalize her own shortcomings by saying that humans are essentially helpless?

Page 95…Edward leaves Bella a note on her pillow that reads…“I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart – I’ve left it with you.” Now what I find interesting about this is that if I were to receive a note like that I would melt, be giddy like a little school girl, and be running to tuck this note away in my wallet so that I could carry it with me everywhere! However the very next sentence is Bella thinking…“So now I had a big empty Saturday with nothing but my morning shift at Newton’s Olympic Outfitters to distract me.” It doesn’t even faze her! He might as well have written, “be back.” It would be here where I would have to agree with my friend who thinks Bella is a snob.

Friday, March 27, 2009

twilight the movie vs. twilight the book

At last it is here! March 21st marked the release of the Twilight DVD. After seeing it 7 times in the theater I was anxious to finally own it so I could watch and re-watch it during my many sleepless nights.

As it is often the case...it is almost needless to say that the book is better than the movie but I enjoyed the film nonetheless.

What I liked:

Edward! Of course! I know some people were not crazy about him being picked to play Edward Cullen but I have no idea why because besides being gorgeous I thought he did a fantastic job bringing the character to life. He has a James Dean quality about him that helps add to the mystery of the character. One of my favorite scenes is in Biology when he introduces himself to Bella. His smooth voice and great laugh makes my heart race.

The dinner scene at the Bloated Toad is also one of my favs. Mainly because I want to eat there so bad. It looks absolutely charming…and that mushroom ravioli sounds delicious! What was up with the hair on that waitress though?

I also really enjoyed the scene when Bella goes to Edward’s house to meet his family. Who wouldn’t want to live there! I thought the mural of graduation caps was awesome…and I would kill to have Edward’s music collection.

The baseball scene is fantastic! It was so fun and I just thought it was all around cool!

Alice. I think she is so pretty and would love for her to be my best friend!

Esme. I just love her and wish she were my mom. It is almost too hard to believe she is a vampire.

Jasper. First off all I think Jackson Rathbone is so cute and I can’t wait until Eclipse comes out since he plays a big part in that book. I think his character is really interesting…so more Jasper please!

The prom scene is just visually stunning. It is hard to ignore the awe of the whole setting.

What I wasn’t crazy about:

Bella. There are some scenes where I thought she was good and then there are others where I can’t stand her in. For example in the beginning when Charlie gives her the truck I cringe at her reaction and at the end when she is in the hospital. I think she plays Bella way to awkward and I lose patience with her stammering and inability to form a sentence or even tell a joke. Like when she “jokes” about being kicked out of Arizona for not being tan…she looks like she is about to kill herself rather than adding comic relief. Then when Bella is at Edward’s house and he says, “What did you expect? Dungeons, coffins, and moats?” and she dryly replies, “not the moats.” This would have been a perfect opportunity to show another facet of her personality with a simple charming and shy smile while she says her line but she says it so serious the joke is lost. It is all about the delivery. I think that visually her and Edward look good together but she has got to lighten up. I really liked her hair and these really cool gray gloves she wears though.

Renee. I do not like Bella’s mom in the film with all her “Awe baby this and Ohhh baby that.” She sounds so condescending…my mom stopped calling me baby when I was one year old. I seriously hate all the scenes she is in.

In the book you learn about Esme, Carlisle and Alice’s past but they leave that all out in the film. They also left out the fact that Jasper has a special gift too. Knowing about each vampire is one of the most interesting things about this whole story so I am disappointed it was neglected.

They added the nomadic vampires killing people, which doesn’t happen in the book but didn’t bother me…I thought it was a nice addition to show the contrast between the two covens.

Overall I would say that what we are left with is what I like to call the Twilight Trifecta…great book…great soundtrack…great movie!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the music of twilight revisited

Music: Twilight Soundtrack

Every once in a new moon do I come across a soundtrack I love unconditionally and irrevocably…the Twilight Soundtrack is one such soundtrack. Honestly every song is incredible. Most notable is track 10…Never Think…written and preformed by yours truly Rob Pattinson. Favorite lines…

Girl save your soul
Go on save your soul
Before it’s too far gone
And before nothing can be done

Full Track Listing

1. Supermassive Black Hole – Muse
2. Decode - Paramore
3. Full Moon – The Black Ghosts
4. Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
5. Spotlight (Twilight Mix) – Mutemath
6. Go All the Way (Into the Twilight) – Perry Farrell
7. Tremble For My Beloved – Collective Soul
8. I Caught Myself – Paramore
9. Eyes on Fire – Blue Foundation
10. Never Think – Rob Pattinson
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth – Iron & Wine
12. Bella’s Lullaby – Carter Burwell

My only complaint, disappointment, sadness…the exclusion of Radiohead’s
15 Step and Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson.

Why? For the love of god just tell me why?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

new moon chapters 15-epilogue

Book: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 15-Epilogue

Pages 451…When Bella sees Edward on the tower she thinks…“it did not matter if he did not want me. I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived.” I respect that Bella went after Edward. I think when it comes to love you need to be able to look back and know that you did everything you could. What bothers me is that she is 18 and ready to give up any and all future chances at happiness. One thing I have been reminded of over and over is that it all seems really important…now.

Page 518…Edward is trying to convince Bella to stay human and she wonders…“Was this fixation with keeping me human really about my soul, or was it because he wasn’t sure that he wanted me around that long?” Right? I would totally be thinking the same thing!

Page 523…Bella tells Edward…“I don’t trust myself to be…enough. To deserve you. There’s nothing about me that could hold you.” I think Bella would be a less tolerable character if she didn’t have this sense of inferiority.

Page 527...Bella has an epiphany and realizes Edward really loves her and that is why she was hearing his voice. I have to be honest I found the whole voices in her head thing sort of lame. When I was reading I thought it was going to turn out that Edward never really left and was keeping an eye on her from a distance or he found a way to read her mind or something clever…but the whole thing left me feeling cheated. I thought Edward was really there and all it amounted to was a stupid epiphany…not cool.

In conclusion:

I did enjoy this book but I wasn’t as moved by it as I was with Twilight. There were certain parts that I could relate to but after awhile there is a sense that maybe this is not the healthiest relationship. My good friend wanted to know why Bella loves Edward so much…and how after only seven months of being together she falls into this pit of despair when he leaves. I have to admit that question made me stop and think because the only answer I could give was why does anyone love anyone? I think it was pretty crappy of Edward to leave…but I guess we all have to deal with the choices we make. It would have been more interesting to break up Bella's misery and read about what Edward was thinking and going through while he was gone. Maybe I could have bought the voices thing if maybe he was hearing her voice too...further demonstrating their connection. When I finished though I thought about what I would do…get over it or go for it? I would totally go for it!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

only love can leave such a mark…

Music: U2
CD: No Line on the Horizon

Today is a day to celebrate all things Irish! And who better to celebrate with than my four favorite Irish guys…Bono, Edge, Adam, and Larry!

And what better way to celebrate than to kick back with a green beer and listen to U2’s latest creation…their 12th studio album, No Line on the Horizon! It is true that I have a biased opinion but…what can I say…I freaking love it! Seriously all the tracks are amazing! U2 pushes the envelope again yet never losing their unique sound. My instant obsessions…Magnificent and Breathe.

Track 2
Magnificent…this song is nothing short of magnificent...so it is not just a clever title. It has one of the best intros I have ever heard. Favorite lines…I actually love every line in this song.

Track 10
Breathe…this song has some funky lyrics and I love the music…the piano is great!

Happy St. Patrick's Day guys....can’t wait to see you September 12th & 13th at Soldier Field!
p.s. I adore The Edge's shirt in that photo....we were meant to be!

Monday, March 16, 2009

new moon chapters 8-14

Book: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 8-14

Page 201...Bella says…“I was like a lost moon – my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation – that continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around that empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity.” I liked this description of how Bella felt…probably because I have felt like that before. Somehow when you can physically picture your pain…it makes it even worse.

Pages 216-217...Bella compares herself to an uninhabitable vacant house and no amount of investment on Jacob’s part could put her back in working order. Jacob deserved better but out of pure selfishness she would not send him away…she needed him. Bella admits to herself that staying close to Jacob will probably end up hurting him yet she does it anyway. Classic rebound. Breakups 101…the fastest way to get over your last relationship is to start a new one. Bella does struggle with the right and wrong of it but Jacob isn't oblivious to what is going on either...so I don't know...I guess I have mixed feelings about rebounds.

Page 219...Bella says…“One thing I truly knew…was how love gave someone the power to break you.” It is so true…stupid love.

Page 294…When Bella finds out that Jacob is a wolf she questions…“Did this mean every impossible fairy tale was grounded somewhere in absolute truth? Was there anything sane or normal at all, or was everything just magic and ghost stories?” God I wish! She goes on to say…“Wasn’t one myth enough for anyone, enough for a lifetime?” Umm yeah…one myth please!

Page 306…Jacob calls Bella a hypocrite for not being afraid of Edward but being afraid of him and says…“Well, I’m so sorry that I can’t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella. I guess I’m just not as great as a bloodsucker, am I?” BURN! Oh yeah he went there!

Page 340…Bella reminds herself…“Love is irrational. The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made.” Again…........stupid love.

Friday, March 13, 2009

run he gonna kill you!

Movie: Friday the 13th

In honor of Friday the 13th today…I went to see the remake of Friday the 13th! I have to say that for a remake I was surprised and quite enjoyed it. They added a bit of a plot which is good...I am big on plot...although with a slasher film I don't expect much. And in addition to all the slutty girls getting killed one of the good wholesome girls got killed too which was a nice twist. Of course I could have done without all the sex and boobs but what can you do?

In between all the running, screaming, killing and blood I think an important lesson can be found…

Three activities that will surely get one killed are….

1. having gratuitous sex and or showing your boobs
2. doing drugs and drinking
3. talking to yourself

Have you ever seen someone get an axe in the back while reading a book?

Just something to think about….

Monday, March 2, 2009

and it's coming closer...

Music: Kings of Leon
CD: Only by the Night

I saw Kings of Leon open for U2 on their Vertigo Tour back in 2005/2006 and my interest peaked straightaway. They had a sound I hadn’t really heard before. I rushed out to get their Aha Shake Heartbreak CD which I have enjoyed since…but I have to admit not as much as their newest release: Only by the Night. Every track on this CD is absolutely brilliant! My immediate obsession….

For those who like to sing along…

Closer lyrics

Stranded in this spooky town,
Stop lights are swaying and the phone lines are down
The floor is crackling cold,
She took my heart, I think she took my soul
With the moon I run,
Far from the carnage of the firey sun

Driven by the strangle of veins
Showing no mercy I'll do it again
Open up your eyes
You keep on crying, baby I'll bleed you dry
The skies they blink at me
I see a storm bubbling up from the sea

And it's coming closer [2x]

You shimi shook my bones,
Leaving me stranded all in love on my own
Do you think of me?
Where am I now, baby where do I sleep?
It feels so good but I am old 2000 years of chasing takin' it's toll

And it's coming closer [4x]

Kings of Leon…you had me at Taper Jean Girl!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

chaser anyone?

TV: The Chaser’s War on Everything
Channel: G4

My new favorite TV show is The Chaser’s War on Everything on G4. It is a satirical comedy series presented by a bunch of blokes from Australia. The show is based on news reviews, studio monologues and confrontations with politicians, celebrities, and business leaders…you know…your basic tom foolery and shenanigans…and anyone who knows me knows I love shenanigans!

It has been on since 2006 but only just recently in the US. The first two seasons are on DVD...but I have not been able to find them anywhere yet so I can actually buy them.

In one episode they want to see how good the security actually is in places where signs are posted notifying patrons that the area is under video surveillance. So to test this out one of the guys goes to a number of places and steals all the posted signs! Genius! At one place he even unscrews a security camera without anyone even noticing! End result: bust a gut roll on the floor laughter!

Many of the stunts displayed have often attracted controversy but I just look at it as a reminder not to take yourself too seriously.

Please to enjoy…
the bonehead challenge!