Friday, January 30, 2009

i've been tagged!

My favorite fashionista, Katie, has tagged me with the following three questions. Since she has already done it and is the only other person I know that posts regularly…I guess the tag stops here!

10 things I love:

1. coffee…red wine…and cheese fries (not at the same time though of course)
2. to laugh
3. going to a baseball game & eating a kosher hot dog on a poppy seed bun with grilled onions & spicy brown mustard
4. anything corduroy
5. going to see a movie in the middle of the day
6. traveling…favorite place…Dublin, Ireland
7. music
8. reading
9. when people play with my hair
10. inside jokes

10 things I loathe:

1. HMH
2. pants with any kind of writing on the butt (I prefer not to know you are juicy)
3. banks
4. secrets
5. listening to voice mails and returning calls
6. calories
7. when people use the expression “no worries”
8. small talk
9. getting an oil change
10. putting away laundry

10 random facts:

1. one of my guilty pleasures is watching the Disney channel
2. I have a fear of water I can’t see through and of my teeth falling out
3. the best cup of coffee I have ever had was in South Africa
4. one of the coolest days of my life was when I met Joel McHale from The Soup (love him!)

5. I have an obsessive nature about me
6. I have never been to a dry cleaners in my life
7. I am an insomniac
8. I am addicted to chapstick
9. I have kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland
10. earthworms have five hearts

1 comment:

  1. i <3 joel mchale!! and i still can't believe you've never been to a dry cleaners! how have you pulled that off?!
