Thursday, January 15, 2009


I never thought I would live to see the day my blogging cherry popped…but with surprisingly no pain here I am…devirginized. I am under no illusions that anyone will care to read what I have to say about anything but nonetheless…I will say it anyway because…well I don’t have much else to do these days.

The list of things that I am absolutely sure of is short…and as time goes by and I predictably get older I find the list getting even shorter. However…at the top of this dwindling list and in the running for the “all time thing to be sure of ever” is that life is a bitch…or more lovingly a betch. For some more than others…but undoubtedly true in my personal experience.

Having said that I have no choice but to find other fixations to help me escape (or at least not think about for awhile) such things like…responsibilities, paying bills, jobs, reality, obligations yada yada yada…and focus on what drives me up and out of bed each day…books, music, movies and let’s throw in some miscellaneous for good measure!

My thoughts on each will most likely only matter to me but if anyone does read this…or perhaps stumbles upon it by accident and decides to have a look see…at the very least might get a laugh out of it or two!

Please to enjoy….


  1. genius blog name! i linked to you on my blog <3

  2. I don't know what that means? I am following your blog is that the same thing is being linked?

  3. no, it's different. i have a blog roll (aka a list of the blogs i like alongside my posts) and i added you to it. it's a live list so if you click on the names, it'll take you directly to that blog.

  4. oh cool! thank you! how do i do that so i can link your blog to mine as well?
