Monday, January 19, 2009

twilight chapters 6-12

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 6-12

Ok so I already finished Twilight. I was up till 3:30am for 3 days but I couldn’t put it down.
As I read I marked down the pages that had things I wanted to comment on.

Page 156…Bella spots a sliver Volvo and immediately thinks of Edward referring to him as a “Stupid, unreliable vampire.” This just made me laugh out loud. What a thing to say after all her intensity in regards to him.

Page 170…another delicious description of Edward’s eyes..."golden butterscotch.”

Page 178…“I watched him walk around the front of the car, amazed, yet again, by how graceful he was. I probably should have been used to that by now – but I wasn’t. I had a feeling Edward wasn’t the kind of person anyone got used to.” This made me think…while there is something to be said for familiarity how fantastic would it be to find and be with someone you were in complete awe of that their mannerisms were such that it was like you were experiencing them for the first time every time?

Page 188…“His eyes were gentle but intense, and they seemed to be making my bones turn soft.” This sentence just stood out to me. I like it. I can feel it.

Page 245...Edward tells Bella…“I told you – you don’t see yourself clearly at all. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You fascinate me.” Clean up an aisle 10! I am still waiting for someone to say that to me…and mean it…really mean it. But this also made me think. Do we ever see ourselves clearly? I am still trying to figure myself out and if I ever met anyone even half close to Edward I would literally have to rethink everything I ever thought I knew. If something is always changing can we ever see it clearly?


  1. ok so now the big question: what's better (so far), harry potter or twilight?

  2. yikes...I will let you know when I finish all the books.
