Sunday, February 1, 2009

twilight chapters 14 - epilogue

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 14-Epilogue

Page 404…Jasper tells Bella…“You’re wrong, you know. I can feel what you’re feeling now – and you are worth it.” I liked this part. You don’t hear much from Jasper throughout the book so I found it enlightening to get another opinion. I know there are some people out there that don’t place their own worth in the hands of others, but I know it would make me think twice about whatever doubts I had after hearing something like that.

Page 473 – 474…Bella tells Edward…“I’ll be the first to admit that I have no experience with relationships. But it just seems logical…a man and woman have to be somewhat equal…as in, one of them can’t always be swooping in and saving the other one. They have to save each other equally.” I think Bella is talking about more than just saving each other but also about loving each other equally. While it sounds great in theory I have to admit here is where my skepticism steps in. There is always going to be some doubt as to the actual magnitude that someone claims to love you. So how can we ever really be equal? You might think that it simply rests in the type of person but I would expect even the most confident person to have a doubt or two every now and again. I mean even Edward questions Bella’s feelings. Granted because he can’t read her mind but that is just it…we can’t read each other’s minds so we never really know how someone really feels.

The top of page 495 starts with Edward saying to Bella...“Twilight, again, another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.” That also holds true for no matter how bad the day is. That is going to be my new serenity…Twilight. Whenever I am having a wretched day I am going to think Twilight and that no matter what the day has to end. And on the off chance I ever have a perfect day I will also think Twilight so I don’t take it for granted.

On the last page of the book Bella has made up her mind that she wants to be a vampire. Edward asks her…“Is that what you dream about? Being a monster?” She replies, “Mostly I dream about being with you forever.” This whole Bella becoming a vampire or not really confuses me. She is hell bent on it but Edward doesn’t want her to give up her human life, yet becoming a vampire will ensure that they are together forever. A lot of people are throwing the word “forever” around but it clearly means something different to everyone. Furthermore, he claims to be a selfish creature and that is why he didn’t stay away from her when he knew he should…so why stop now? The sexual tension in the book is so thick you would think that would be enough for him to just bite her already! Which leads me to say that I have a hard time believing that Edward really thinks of himself as a monster…especially because Bella doesn’t see him that way? He seems a lot more human than I think we are led to believe.

In Conclusion:

I guess the thing that got inside me as I held my breath the whole time I was reading the first book was the intensity of loving someone so avidly it can’t be real. It was like I stepped into the pages and was Bella. I felt it. If I think hard I am sure I have had those feelings in real life but compared to the roaring flame of Edward and Bella they seem like nothing more than a flicker. Not since Harry Potter have I enjoyed a book so much. I love how Stephenie Meyer describes not only the characters and their feelings but also their surroundings. I can’t thank her enough for bringing Edward into my life.

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