Wednesday, April 1, 2009

eclipse chapters 7-14

Book: Eclipse
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 7-14

Page 158…Rosalie is telling Bella the story of her last night as a human and recalls…“And so I remember this, when so many pleasant memories have faded away completely.” This is one thing I will never in all my days understand…why is it that the happiest of memories seem to have an expiration date but the worst can be recalled as clear as if they just happened?

Page 167…Rosalie goes on to tell Bella about finding Emmett…“I got luckier than I deserved. Emmett is everything I would have asked for if I’d known myself well enough to know what to ask for.” This thought scares me. How do you know when you really know yourself? Maybe I have been asking for the wrong things?

Page 177…Jacob is explaining the whole imprinting thing to Bella and says…“But you have to see her – the one that’s supposedly meant for you.” What I wouldn’t give for imprinting to be real…that would make things SO much easier.

Page 194…Bella is questioning Edward about past love interests and he says…“I prefer brunettes.” Well isn’t that something…I happen to be a brunette. Just saying…

Page 275…Bella tells Edward…“I’m not that girl, Edward, The one who gets married right out of high school like some small-town hick who got knocked up by her boyfriend!” This bothers me. All she talks about is being with Edward forever so why the resistance? The fact that she is so worried about what everyone else is going to think kind of contradicts the idea that Bella is this unique individual.

Page 277…Bella thinks…“I was just having Anne of Green Gables flashbacks.” I only point this out because I love Anne of Green Gables!

Page 325…Bella thinks about getting married…“Then, just for a second, I saw that same odd vision of Edward and me on a porch swing, wearing clothes from another kind of world. A world where it would surprise no one if I wore his ring on my finger. A simpler place, where love was defined in simpler ways. One plus one equals two…” I don’t really understand what she is talking about. I don’t think love is or ever has been simple. I could better understand if she was saying something like, “I know what people will think about us getting married so soon but I don’t care I love him and it feels right,” but she never says anything like that. The kicker is that no one even really cares once she does tell them…not even her scatterbrained mom. Not that I don’t think marriage is serious but she seems to be making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. If I was so sure about the person I loved I would not have a single care about what anyone else thought.

Page 327…Jacob confesses to Bella…“Bella, I love you. And I want you to pick me instead on him.” You have to give Jacob props for putting himself out there and laying it all out on the line…that takes guts. Honestly…if you ask me…I think if anyone is a masochist in this story it is Jacob.

1 comment:

  1. ok, i totally didn't read the post b/c i'm only like 200 pgs into 'new moon' but i had to comment on the picture- it is GORGEOUS!
