Thursday, May 7, 2009

eclipse chapters 15-epilogue

Book: Eclipse
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 15-Epilogue

Page 345…Bella is worried that once she becomes a vampire she might not feel the same way about Edward and wonders…“Was there a human experience that I was not willing to give up?” I don’t know about her but mine would be food. Glorious food…coffee, red wine, cheese fries, kosher hot dogs, chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting…the list goes on. But on the other hand I would be too busy with feathers and broken furniture to think about eating…so food…we had some good times…it was fun while it lasted. I will remember you always.

Page 363…Bella tells Charlie she doesn’t know what to do about Jacob and he tells her…“The right thing isn’t always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else.” He is right…“the right thing” is a very subjective idea and one that I have struggled with many times. Often what you think is the right thing turns out not to be. Charlie continues…“So…good luck figuring that out.” Um yeah thanks Charlie…I guess!

Page 421…Bella asks Edward to either let everyone fight without his help or let her be there. This part makes me so mad. Could she be anymore selfish? Way to put someone you love in an incredibly difficult position. This book really shows her manipulative side.

Page 434 starts the chapter entitled Compromise. Bella and Edward go back and forth with the whole getting married thing and basically conclude that Bella will marry Edward only if he agrees to have sex with her before she becomes a vampire so she can experience it as a human. Well played Bella Swan…using your feminine wiles and raging teenage hormones to get what you want. Wait...a minute…are you crazy? Using sex as a compromise to marriage is so messed up. If this wasn’t an argument for their relationship being unhealthy I don’t know what is.

Page 450…Bella is trying to jump Edward’s bones…again (Believe me I don't blame her)…and he tells her…“You just promised to marry me before you do any changing, but if I give in tonight, what guarantee do I have that you won’t go running off to Carlisle in the morning? I am – clearly – much less reluctant to give you what you want. Therefore…you first.” You have been called out Miss Swan! It is totally out of character for Edward not to give in to Bella but I like that he is…even if it is just this once…at least trying.

Page 456…Edward tells Bella…“We’ll go to Vegas – you can wear old jeans and we’ll go to the chapel with a drive-through window. I just want it to be official – that you belong to me and no one else.” Well this sounds like my kind of wedding! But I have to say this scenario reminds me of another little love triangle…Carrie…Aidan…and Mr. Big! Aidan too wanted to “lock this thing down” and make it official. This attitude toward marriage is another reason why I fear it so. Maybe it is the use of the word official? Yes being married does afford a couple a reasonable amount of assurance that they will be faithful to each other emotionally and financially but divorce does happen. But aside from that I don’t like the idea of belonging to anyone. If I were to get married it wouldn’t be because I want to belong to anyone or have anyone belong to me. I would want to be together but belong to ourselves.

Page 528…Bella and Jacob kiss and she realizes that she is in love with him but not enough to change how she feels about Edward. This is sort of crazy to me. I am not saying it can’t happen but Bella is only 18. It is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that she is squeezing in a lifetime of love and heartache into one year.

In conclusion:

Eclipse was a nice change of pace after New Moon. While we see some other sides to the characters throughout the book I feel Jacob has the best development. He really becomes the most interesting character since it is pretty much inevitable that Bella and Edward will end up together. Like I mentioned before reading about Rosalie and Jasper’s past was definitely the highlight for me. Now all I'm waiting for is Bella and Edward to finally do it!

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