Wednesday, March 18, 2009

new moon chapters 15-epilogue

Book: New Moon
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 15-Epilogue

Pages 451…When Bella sees Edward on the tower she thinks…“it did not matter if he did not want me. I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived.” I respect that Bella went after Edward. I think when it comes to love you need to be able to look back and know that you did everything you could. What bothers me is that she is 18 and ready to give up any and all future chances at happiness. One thing I have been reminded of over and over is that it all seems really important…now.

Page 518…Edward is trying to convince Bella to stay human and she wonders…“Was this fixation with keeping me human really about my soul, or was it because he wasn’t sure that he wanted me around that long?” Right? I would totally be thinking the same thing!

Page 523…Bella tells Edward…“I don’t trust myself to be…enough. To deserve you. There’s nothing about me that could hold you.” I think Bella would be a less tolerable character if she didn’t have this sense of inferiority.

Page 527...Bella has an epiphany and realizes Edward really loves her and that is why she was hearing his voice. I have to be honest I found the whole voices in her head thing sort of lame. When I was reading I thought it was going to turn out that Edward never really left and was keeping an eye on her from a distance or he found a way to read her mind or something clever…but the whole thing left me feeling cheated. I thought Edward was really there and all it amounted to was a stupid epiphany…not cool.

In conclusion:

I did enjoy this book but I wasn’t as moved by it as I was with Twilight. There were certain parts that I could relate to but after awhile there is a sense that maybe this is not the healthiest relationship. My good friend wanted to know why Bella loves Edward so much…and how after only seven months of being together she falls into this pit of despair when he leaves. I have to admit that question made me stop and think because the only answer I could give was why does anyone love anyone? I think it was pretty crappy of Edward to leave…but I guess we all have to deal with the choices we make. It would have been more interesting to break up Bella's misery and read about what Edward was thinking and going through while he was gone. Maybe I could have bought the voices thing if maybe he was hearing her voice too...further demonstrating their connection. When I finished though I thought about what I would do…get over it or go for it? I would totally go for it!

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