Tuesday, March 31, 2009

may you rest in peace…

Maybe it is just me...but I feel like nothing good is on TV anymore. This lament got me reminiscing about all the good times I used to have with some of my favorite shows that sadly are no longer on…but thanks to TV on DVD I can still enjoy…and without commercials!

Batman Beyond

On for 3 seasons, Batman Beyond takes place in the future where an elderly Bruce Wayne passes his cape to Terry McGinnis, a high school teen who happens upon the Batcave and discovers the millionaire's secret identity. They came up with some really cool new villains including my fav, Inque, and revamped the Bat suit. Will Friedle (the older brother from Boy Meets World) does the voice for Terry and I am not ashamed to admit I have a crush on a cartoon!

The Commish

For 5 seasons Michael Chiklis played police commissioner Tony Scali in this slightly offbeat police comedy/drama. Set in a small town, Tony's easygoing manner and clever intellect are much more useful to him than weapons in his fight against crime. Comedy and drama…you can’t go wrong…and who doesn’t love Michael Chiklis?!


When Susan and Steve get together they join a crowd of best friends and exes who talk about all aspects of sex and relationships on their never-ending quest to find true love…result…4 seasons of non-stop hilarity! Jeff is definitely my favorite but all the characters are amusing and nothing short of self indulgent!

Dark Angel

Created by James Cameron, Dark Angel stars Jessica Alba as a genetically enhanced superhuman named Max who escapes from military confines and tries to live a normal life in a post-apocalyptic America. We follow her as she tries to avoid government agents who want to bring her back and search for others of her kind. It can’t go without mentioning Michael Weatherly and Jensen Ackles also star as the resident eye candy! Only on for 2 seasons I am still left with so many questions as to the fate of the transgenics.

Degrassi Junior High/High

What better way to relax after a hard day then watching 5 seasons of Canadian teens deal with the trials and tribulations of adolescence…and in the 80’s no less! Drinking, drugs, sex, teen pregnancy, leg warmers, over sized sweaters, and teased hair make this one of my all time favorite shows! No New Generation for me...I am old school baby!


They are very few shows that I watch religiously…but Felicity was one show I never missed. Kerri Russell is Felicity Porter…a high school senior whose whole life has been dictated by her parents. After graduating she changes all that and follows her long-time crush Ben to New York and spends the next four seasons, going through the long and difficult journey toward adulthood. Anytime I feel life getting rough I pop in Felicity to help make sense of it all. But even after all these years...and as much as I love this show...I still can't forgive her for picking Ben over Noel…what was she thinking??!!!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE michael chiklis!! i've never seen 'the commish', but i fell for him on the BRILLIANT show 'the shield'. if you're looking for a super edgy drama, start watching 'the shield'. it was easily one of the best shows ever on television and sustained its momentum for all seven seasons. plus, michael chikilis is from the commonwealth- gotta love a massachusetts guy!
