Sunday, April 12, 2009

so let it be let it be done

One of the greatest epic movies of all time is Cecil B. DeMille’s masterpiece, The Ten Commandments. With such talents as Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Yul Brynner, and Edward G. Robinson this film…with a running time of 4 hours…tells the story of Moses and his journey to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. Although I'm not very religious I have always loved this film and it has become a tradition to watch it every Easter Sunday.

The film is visually stunning with its grand scenery…vibrant colors…and special effects that are quite good for a film made in 1956. The parting of the Red Sea is one sequence that should be seen at least once by every film aficionado.

As great as this film is…every time I see it I can’t help but become frustrated with how easily led the Hebrews are. One minute they believe Moses to be the deliverer and the next they want to stone him. Even after Moses parts the Red Sea in front of their very own eyes a few words from Dathan and they are making a golden calf to worship and partaking in all sorts of debauchery. It really makes you look at the power of leadership and the power of fear.

I always come away from it the very least...being reminded to be thankful for my own free will and the ability to think for myself.

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