Friday, January 30, 2009

i've been tagged!

My favorite fashionista, Katie, has tagged me with the following three questions. Since she has already done it and is the only other person I know that posts regularly…I guess the tag stops here!

10 things I love:

1. coffee…red wine…and cheese fries (not at the same time though of course)
2. to laugh
3. going to a baseball game & eating a kosher hot dog on a poppy seed bun with grilled onions & spicy brown mustard
4. anything corduroy
5. going to see a movie in the middle of the day
6. traveling…favorite place…Dublin, Ireland
7. music
8. reading
9. when people play with my hair
10. inside jokes

10 things I loathe:

1. HMH
2. pants with any kind of writing on the butt (I prefer not to know you are juicy)
3. banks
4. secrets
5. listening to voice mails and returning calls
6. calories
7. when people use the expression “no worries”
8. small talk
9. getting an oil change
10. putting away laundry

10 random facts:

1. one of my guilty pleasures is watching the Disney channel
2. I have a fear of water I can’t see through and of my teeth falling out
3. the best cup of coffee I have ever had was in South Africa
4. one of the coolest days of my life was when I met Joel McHale from The Soup (love him!)

5. I have an obsessive nature about me
6. I have never been to a dry cleaners in my life
7. I am an insomniac
8. I am addicted to chapstick
9. I have kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland
10. earthworms have five hearts

Friday, January 23, 2009

twilight chapter 13

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 13

This entry is dedicated solely to chapter 13, entitled Confessions…because it is my favorite chapter in the whole book and possibly my favorite chapter ever!

The whole book we see everything through Bella’s eyes but in this chapter we get to see things from Edward’s perspective…which I find intoxicating. (having said that I am weeping on the inside about the Midnight Sun debacle…more about that later)

Page 266…“I’m essentially a selfish creature. I crave your company too much to do what I should.” This made me think then later conclude that we all have a little vampire in we are all fundamentally selfish creatures.

The next two sentences are two that Edward says to Bella that I just wanted to point out would make me stop breathing if ever said to me…

Page 273…“You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.”

Page 294…“If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed of it.”

Page 300…Edward says…“I never imagined anything like this. I didn’t believe I would ever find someone I wanted to be with…in another way than my brothers and sisters.” Ok on the surface it is just another spine melting thing Edward says but from a reader’s standpoint I want to know why. Why hasn’t he found someone in 100 years? There has to be some reason and I wish that was touched on. It would give me more insight into his character and it would enforce that Edward really does want to be with Bella and not just eat her. Also…if I met a guy who hadn’t had a date in 100 years I would see that as a red flag….just saying.

Page 302…Edward tells Bella…“The glory of first love, and all that. It’s incredible, isn’t it, the difference between reading about something, seeing it in the pictures, and experiencing it?” Boy is it ever! Edward goes on to describe jealousy as having read about and seen it many times but it shocked him to experience it himself. What I find interesting is that Edward is experiencing love sort of in reverse in regards to me as the reader. He has experienced reading about love and is now experiencing it in real life…and I have experienced love in real life and am waiting to experience what I have read. (A girl can hope can’t she?)

Page 303…He says…“I knew that if I continued to ignore you as I should, or if I left for a few years, till you were gone, that someday you would say yes to Mike, or someone like him. It made me angry.” This made me question…does Edward really want to be with Bella or does he just not want her to be with someone else. The old…I don’t want you but I don’t want anyone else to have you. Then I thought…aren’t we all like that at some time or another and if so, do we really ever love someone? Hell, I don’t know but I can’t help think about it.

Page 305…Bella tells Edward that it doesn’t seem fair that he had to wait 100 years for her and she hasn’t had to wait at all for him. That made me wonder…how long is fair? If I think that 28 years is fair and long enough to wait do I then just take what I can get, settle, or shape what I do have into what I wish I had, or do I wait another 28 years? Seriously if anyone knows the answer…please tell me.

Page 307…Bella asks Edward why he resists what he is and Edward replies…“just because we’ve been…dealt a certain hand…it doesn’t mean that we can’t choose to rise above – to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can.” I think this is an important message that applies to life in general. We are all going through our own vampirism at one time or another. Fighting not to turn into some distorted and unrecognizable version of ourselves. Ultimately I think we are all just trying to stay…human.

Page 311…Edward tells Bella…“I know love and lust don’t always keep the same company.” Bella replies…“They do for me.” This gave me a lot of pause. It makes me think…wildly…but about what I am not entirely sure…since I am not able to form any kind of concrete conclusion. On their own each is scary enough but together they are terrifying. I am struggling to think of my experience with each…separately and together. Can you really have one without the other? If so, is it worth it? It is strange how two words, each just 4 letters, can create so many questions…no wonder I hardly sleep.

In conclusion: Best. Chapter. Ever.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

get on your boots

Music: U2

And the countdown to the reason for my very existence begins. 43 days until the excruciating long awaited new U2 album, No Line on the Horizon, is released in the US...and I can feel whole again. Yesterday the first single…Get on Your Boots was released. Naturally…I love it! And I already know all the words!

Quick sounds play with a fast talking Bono. Edge’s guitar never failing. It is reminiscent of Fast Cars but with a lot quicker pace.

Get on Your Boots Lyrics

The future needs a big kiss
Winds blows with a twist
Never seen a moon like this
Can you see it too?

Night is falling everywhere
Rockets at the fun fair
Satan loves a bomb scare
But he won’t scare you

Hey, sexy boots
Get on your boots, yeah

You free me from the dark dream
Candy floss ice cream
All our kids are screaming
But the ghosts aren’t real

Here’s where we gotta be
Love and community
Laughter is eternity
If joy is real

You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are

That’s someone’s stuff they’re blowing up
We’re into growing up
Women of the future
Hold the big revelations

I got a submarine
You got gasoline
I don’t want to talk about wars between nations

Not right now

Hey sexy boots…
Get on your boots, yeah
Not right now
Bossy boots

You don’t know how beautiful
You don’t know how beautiful you are
You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you?
You don’t know how beautiful you are

Hey sexy boots
I don’t want to talk about the wars between the nations
Sexy boots, yeah

Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound

Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, now
God, I’m going down
I don’t wanna drown now
Meet me in the sound

Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Let me in the sound, sound
Meet me in the sound

Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Get on your boots
Yeah hey hey

I seriously want to throw a pair of Pretty Woman boots and a mini skirt on every time I listen to this song!

You are right Bono…I don’t know how beautiful I am…but please keep telling me how over and over!

I also want to note the lyrics...
Never seen a moon like this
Can you see it too?
Clearly he is referencing me and the meaning of my last name.

Full Album Track Listing:

1. No Line On The Horizon
2. Magnificent
3. Moment of Surrender
4. Unknown Caller
5. I’ll Go Crazy if I don’t Go Crazy Tonight
6. Get On Your Boots
7. Stand Up Comedy
8. Fez – Being Born
9. White As Snow
10. Breathe
11. Cedars of Lebanon

Monday, January 19, 2009

twilight chapters 6-12

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 6-12

Ok so I already finished Twilight. I was up till 3:30am for 3 days but I couldn’t put it down.
As I read I marked down the pages that had things I wanted to comment on.

Page 156…Bella spots a sliver Volvo and immediately thinks of Edward referring to him as a “Stupid, unreliable vampire.” This just made me laugh out loud. What a thing to say after all her intensity in regards to him.

Page 170…another delicious description of Edward’s eyes..."golden butterscotch.”

Page 178…“I watched him walk around the front of the car, amazed, yet again, by how graceful he was. I probably should have been used to that by now – but I wasn’t. I had a feeling Edward wasn’t the kind of person anyone got used to.” This made me think…while there is something to be said for familiarity how fantastic would it be to find and be with someone you were in complete awe of that their mannerisms were such that it was like you were experiencing them for the first time every time?

Page 188…“His eyes were gentle but intense, and they seemed to be making my bones turn soft.” This sentence just stood out to me. I like it. I can feel it.

Page 245...Edward tells Bella…“I told you – you don’t see yourself clearly at all. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You fascinate me.” Clean up an aisle 10! I am still waiting for someone to say that to me…and mean it…really mean it. But this also made me think. Do we ever see ourselves clearly? I am still trying to figure myself out and if I ever met anyone even half close to Edward I would literally have to rethink everything I ever thought I knew. If something is always changing can we ever see it clearly?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

the music of twilight

Music: Twilight Soundtrack

Nothing makes me more happy to be alive than finding new music to fixate on! Case in point…the Twilight Soundtrack. (I suppose I had to give my Dark Knight Soundtrack a rest eventually …and I am currently reading the book)

Immediate obsessions…Full Moon by The Black Ghosts and Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation. I have never heard either of these bands and I am eager to check out the rest of their music.

Full Moon Lyrics

when the thorn bush turns white that's when I'll come home
I am going out to see what I can sow
And I don't know where I'll go
And I don't know what I'll see
But I'll try not to bring it back home with me

Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me
As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be
Cause all I want is here and now but its already been and gone
Our intentions always last that bit too long

Far far away, no voices sounding, no one around me and you're still there
Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and you're still there

In the full moons light I listen to the stream
And in between the silence hear you calling me
But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been
And If I come home how will I ever leave

I love every line in this song. The singer has this haunting voice that I love to sing along with...and it is hard to keep still with the jaunty sound. The strings evoke Celtic undertones that make me melt.

Eyes on Fire Lyrics

I'll seek you out,
Flay you alive
One more word and you won't survive
And I'm not scared of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I've got nothing for you to gain

I'm taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I've got nothing for you to gain

Eyes on fire
Your spine is ablaze
Felling any foe with my gaze

And just in time
In the right place
Steadily emerging with grace

Felling any foe with my gaze
Steadily emerging with grace
Felling any foe with my gaze
Steadily emerging with grace

I equally love this song. Another haunting voice transports me to another place not of this world. Like I am wondering in a dream.

Favorite lines:
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace

More to come as I continue to enjoy...

Friday, January 16, 2009

twilight chapters 1-5

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Chapter(s): 1-5

While I am all about discovering works from off the beaten track…I have to admit I am also a sucker for mainstream. Ipso facto…I am reading the #1 New York Times bestseller, Twilight. So far…I am absolutely loving it and finding it hard to put down.

The book is written in first person and told by Bella who, from what I know from all the hype, falls in love with Edward…who happens to be a vampire. Not just any Joe-six pack vampire but a rich and out of this world gorgeous vampire. Edward and the rest of his vampire family keep to themselves but Bella can’t help being drawn into the mysteriousness of them all. And then when Edward takes notice of Bella it is on like Donkey Kong!

First off, Bella. I like her. I can relate to her. She is mesmerized by this boy she hardly knows and wakes up thrilled to go to school just so she might get a look at him. Yet at the same time she hates that she is so affected by this person who starts off pretty much ignoring her…and who is so evasive it is maddening. I find it interesting that the more he ignores her the more she is drawn to him. I have been there, but after awhile you reason the guy is a loser and you could do better. But Bella is determined to figure him out. What I like though is that she doesn’t come off as scheming or trying to “get” Edward…it all happens quite naturally.

Her plight brings me back to when I was in school and pretty much all that mattered was your friends and being able to see your crush. But not just any crush…I am talking about the unattainable guy that all us girls have lusted after at one time or another. The guy who you would watch from across the lunch room and scan for in the halls in hopes that at just the right moment he would take notice of you for the first time. And that by some miracle or planetary alignment…out of all the girls in the school he would pick you. I haven’t had that feeling in what seems like ages.

Five chapters in…the main focus seems to be the description of Edward (trust me when I say I am in no way complaining). Besides being pale, not able to dance, fainting at the sight of blood and being obsessed with Edward there is not much more that stands out about Bella at this point so I am anxious to see how her character develops.

Edward. All I can say is I can’t think of another book that I have read that makes me want to orgasm based solely on a character’s dialogue. He is the smoothest son of a gun I have ever experienced and it doesn’t surprise me that he is completely fictional. He is undoubtedly good looking and mysterious, but what does it for me is what he says and how it says it. One description is…“His voice was like melting honey”. I don’t know how I will be able to feel the same way about honey ever again.

I can’t speak for everyone but he says all the things I would die to have said to me…and I only just finished chapter five!

Edward is sitting alone at lunch and motions for Bella to come over to him. When she does he says, “Why don’t you sit with me today?” Bella sits down and is not sure what to make of this turn of events but Edward goes on to say, “I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.” When I read this I got Goosebumps. This sets the tone for something forbidden and what usually lurks behind forbidden is passion and tragedy. Plus…I can’t help but being somewhat envious of anyone embracing hell and going all out. It must be so freeing.

Edward has this commanding coolness about him that I can’t even quite describe because it is more than just having confidence. When Edward blocks Bella’s car and Tyler comes up to the window to ask her to the spring dance…Bella asks Edward if he did it just to annoy her and he replies, “That was for Tyler’s sake, not mine. I had to give him his chance”. I could not be anything but intrigued if a guy said that to me. It is like he already knows what is going to happen between the two of them.

The writing. It is so good that I find myself re-reading sentences and paragraphs just so I can experience them again. You have to give props to anyone who can continually describe a character in such assorted ways that you never tire of hearing how perfect they are. I can’t help but want more of Edward. Every little nugget of information you learn about him directly or by Bella’s assessment of him is like a precious sip of water after days abandoned out in the desert sun.

Stephenie Meyer…you had me at the first Bruce Wayne reference.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I never thought I would live to see the day my blogging cherry popped…but with surprisingly no pain here I am…devirginized. I am under no illusions that anyone will care to read what I have to say about anything but nonetheless…I will say it anyway because…well I don’t have much else to do these days.

The list of things that I am absolutely sure of is short…and as time goes by and I predictably get older I find the list getting even shorter. However…at the top of this dwindling list and in the running for the “all time thing to be sure of ever” is that life is a bitch…or more lovingly a betch. For some more than others…but undoubtedly true in my personal experience.

Having said that I have no choice but to find other fixations to help me escape (or at least not think about for awhile) such things like…responsibilities, paying bills, jobs, reality, obligations yada yada yada…and focus on what drives me up and out of bed each day…books, music, movies and let’s throw in some miscellaneous for good measure!

My thoughts on each will most likely only matter to me but if anyone does read this…or perhaps stumbles upon it by accident and decides to have a look see…at the very least might get a laugh out of it or two!

Please to enjoy….